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Andrew Colaninno recently concluded a 35-year career with the USDA Forest Service where he was responsible for the resource data for the Southern Region of that agency.  During his career, he served in positions ranging from field forester to Regional Director of both Information Management and Lands.  Prior to joining the Forest Service, he owned his own landscaping company, and held a number of jobs in the construction and recreation field.  A graduate of West Virginia University with a BS in Forestry and a MS in Forestry with an emphasis in statistical methods, Mr. Colaninno has been involved in data management and technology issues from his student days until his recent retirement.


Also an author of fiction, Andrew Colaninno is the author of Liberty’s Gold, the first book in the Eric and Amy Howard Justice Plantation series.  Prior to publishing Liberty’s Gold, Andrew also authored and published Starkit, a science fiction novel published in 2006, Never Alone, a science fiction novel published in 2012, Gordian’s Knot, a novel published in 2012;  as well as several science fiction short stories that have appeared in various e-publications.  His most recent book in the Eric and Amy Howard mystery series is Natural Gas, published in 2013.


In the non-fiction realm and also relying heavily on his experience with the Forest Service is he offering, Side by Side a Practical Guide for Neighbors of the Forest Service, published in 2013.

Trained as a forester, he completed a 35-year career with the federal government while pursuing his hobbies, writing, riding his bicycle and reading.  Since retirement, he has been writing full time and has recently started his self-publishing business.  Already in the works are ten other novels, some science fiction while others fit best in the mystery genera.  He lives and writes in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia where he lives with his wife, and collaborator, Laura.


 All of these works Unicorns are available from Amazon by searching on the author’s full name.  Visit the author’s web site at:  The author gladly accepts e-mail from readers at:

Copyright 2013 by Andrew Colaninno

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